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Music Perception of children and adolescents with developmental disorders.


Children and adolescents with autism spectrum (ASD) show musical strengths including enhanced musical memory and pitch discrimination and typical recognition of music-evoked emotions. Although distinct musical skills have been investigated in isolation, a comprehensive characterization of the musical profile of children with ASD is lacking, with a specific void concerning the interplay between cognitive and musical abilities in children and adolescents with ASD. Our preliminary findings suggest a potential disconnenct between melody perception and recognition of music-evoked emotions, a difference that may be attributable to the impact of cognitive functioning on music perception. Based on previous findings, we aim to assess whether individuals differences in visual-spatial skills, verbal skills, executive functioning, and social skills are associated with variability in musical working memory, rhythm perception, recognition of music-evoked emotions and recognition of emotions more generally with and without a musical background. This research also includes a second aim in which Summit School can choose to participate or not. Music education/musical training is associated with improvements in executive functioning in the general population and in social engagement of individuals with ASD. Our second aim is this to assess whether musical training impacts executive functioning and social skills.

Principal Investigator (PI): Eve-Marie Quintin, PhD

Institution & Department: McGill University – Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology

Year(s) collaborated with SCERT on project: 2016 - current


Results of Research Project:

As this research project is still underway, results are not yet available. Check back soon!





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