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on neurodevelopmental conditions

2023 SCERT

conference overview

our Speakers


Dr. Grace Iarocci

Ph.D, R. Psych

Director, Autism and Developmental Disabilities Lab;
Professor, Department of Psychology,
Simon Fraser University

keynote speaker:

Keynote Presentation: Supporting resilience in autistic individuals across the lifespan

Breakout Presentation: Autism and addictions: for concerted services


Dr. david evans

Ph.D, Boston University

Postdoctoral Fellowship

Current: Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Bucknell University since 1998

keynote speaker:

Keynote Presentation: The wide range of repetitive behaviours and restricted interests: A developmental perspective.

Breakout Presentation: Accounting for  ASD symptom variability in genetic syndromes

conference speakers

Dr. Aparna


Associate Professor, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders,

McGill University

Breakout speaker:


Dr. cheryl Klaiman

Breakout speaker:

Director, Marcus Autism Center;

Associate Professor, School of Medicine,

Emory University


Dr. eve-marie quintin

Breakout speaker:

Assistant Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology,

McGill University


Dr. mayada elsabbagh

Breakout speaker:

Associate Professor, Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery,

McGill University


Poster Presentations

We are accepting applicants who wish to present their research at SCERTs fourth annual conference. Research should be relevant to the fields of psychology, neurobiology, and health / well-being as they pertain to neurodiverse youth.

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review our 2022 conference

conferene sponsor


If you or your organization would like to sponsor our Conference, please contact:

Jesse Heffring

Director of Development

Summit School

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